Beaching it with kids

I have the beach on my mind as I am preparing for our vacation next week. Have you heard the expression" With kids you take trips not vacations"? While I do get where that expression comes from I do think taking kids on a beach vacation can still be a vacation. You literally give them a bucket and a shovel and they are entertained for hours, most of the time.

Weather it is your first time taking the kids to the beach or if you have witnessed the beach rodeo before, here are a few tips that help me.

Don't over pack. I am that mom that thinks less is more. I already am a hot mess with a three and four running around, I don't want want to look extra crazy carrying a beach bag/cooler/ beach chairs and balancing a boogie board on my head. Ok, I may be exaggerating but do keep in mind that you have to haul everything from the car/hotel to the beach and back. I do however think packing enough toys/snacks to keep the kiddos from a melt down is important. There is a fine line between the needs and wants of packing to the beach. I was reading an article about beaching it with kids and they recommended bringing a blow up pool, now I think that would be considered a want but if that is what your child needs than pack it but don't bring it unless you know you are going to use it 100%. Pack what makes your life easier and what makes my life easier is a shovel and a pail, and a mai tai :)

Sunscreen: apply sunscreen before you go to the beach. This will save you on time and tears. The last thing you want to do is start the beach day applying sunscreen on a sandy body and start the day with a meltdown.. I know from experience! And, don't forget to apply sunscreen often.

Bring snacks/drinks. Kids get hungry playing at the beach. I like to pack juicy fruit like pineapple and watermelon along with chips and sandwiches. Because no one wants to deal with a cranky/hungry child.

Lastly help your littles make friends at the beach. I am a huge fan of kids playing and letting there imagination run wild building a sand castle city.


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